The information I have on this instrument is that Hele & Co built it for Landrake Wesleyan Chapel in 1906.
In 1929 the Trustees gave consideration to replacing the Organ with a larger instrument by a Mr North, Organ Builder who was willing to do an exchange with the present Organ without corresponding cash payment!
The Organ was cleaned and overhauled by Hele & Co. in 1932 at a cost of £39. In 1918 the Organist was George Stone Esq. of 16 Union Street, Plymouth.
In 1953 Rodney Pearce added the Open Diapason 8ft on the Swell. He also added the electric blower sometime later. The original specification was:-
SWELL: Lieblich Gedackt 8ft; Gamba 8ft; Gambette 4ft; Cornopean 8ft:
GREAT: Open Diapason 8ft; Dulciana 8ft;
              Clarabel Flute 8ft; Harmonic Flute 4ft;
PEDAL: Bourdon 16ft;
COUPLERS: Swell to Great; Swell to Pedal; Great to Pedal.
Rodney Pearce last overhauled the Organ in 1953.

Work done in 2000 at a cost of £1300
Hele & Co. replaced the Pedal board and liberally treated worm infested parts of the Organ that were accessible - it must be said however that there is certainly other inaccessible parts that are worm infested.
Servicing lights were fitted and some defective Bourdon pipes were put on speech.

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